Nice to meet you! Thank you very much for visiting my homepage. Here you will be able to get an overview about my professional experiences, expertise, qualifications, projects and assignments. Please do not hesitate to contact me. In the download area you will be able to download my complete relevant files (CV, project presentations, certificates) in PDF format. I am looking forward to be contacted by you. Working since 1990 in international development and humanitarian aid I provide profound experience and expertise mainly in the fields of water and sanitation, construction supervision and project management in various regions in Africa and in Central Asia. Employers and clients included Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors without Borders, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe / German Agro Action and DfID. I am very well adapted to harsh living and working conditions. Since late October 2012 I am working for Caritas Switzerland in Haiti. Within a team of national and international experts I am rebuilding schools. These schools are earthquake- and hurricane-resistant.
Stefan Recker